Industry Insights

What Are the Requirements & Expectations of 5G Networks?

Written by Airtower Networks | Jul 11, 2023 1:40:34 PM

 The development of 5G networks are on the move! From humble beginnings of 1G analog technology in 1991, commercial deployment of 5G will offer ubiquitous connectivity going forward. Some sources suggest it may even inspire the perception of infinite network capacity. According to The 5G Economy in a Post-COVID-19 Era, 5G will power up to $13.1 trillion global economic value by 2035.

‘Triple C’ Requirements for 5G

5G has led the new way for new user experiences since its deployment. Based on the need to meet demands of evolving wireless networks, this new and improved architecture boasts additional flexibility.

Note the following Triple C 5G requirements:

  • Capacity: ensuring a flexible network that reacts and configures efficiently to elevated data demands, and provides enough network capacity for services.
  • Coverage: maintaining a consistent experience for users anytime and anywhere, by effectively utilizing available radio resources.
  • Convenience: providing energy efficient and real-time service for all types of interactions, whether human-to-machine or machine-to-machine.

The ‘Advent’ of the Internet of Things (IoT)

What was once a mobile telephone network has evolved  to connect machines, or “things.” This new network has been coined the Internet of Things (IoT). One major 4G shortcoming is that its architecture was not developed with this in mind. Each specific item in question would need its own identification, thus requiring the network to handle a larger amount of simultaneous device connections. 

Some current examples of IoT include cars, televisions, residential homes, and even fitness equipment. In light of the rapidly growing IoT, a major 5G development consideration is scalability. This is critical to support the added volume of connected users and the myriad of new devices transmitting data now and in the future.

5G: A New Generation

To address future user demands, the 5G platform will further unify important areas such as new services, connecting new industries and devices, and empowering new user experiences. 

While 5G has higher capacity and speeds when compared with its 4G predecessor, it should not be viewed as a replacement. Developers maintain that 5G aims to solve existing issues with capacity and coverage by leveraging today’s 4G network and WiFi. 5G holds great promise to remedy future data demands by enabling a flexible, cost-efficient, and scalable network. 

Airtower Networks provides customized solutions such as cellular, managed WiFi, private LTE, and more for seamless in-building connectivity, enhanced productivity, and a competitive bottom line. Connect with us today to commence your wireless networking journey!